What is Mediastinal Liposarcoma?
Mediastinal liposarcoma is a rare type of soft tissue tumour and accounts for less than 1% of all mediastinal tumours. They grow slowly and do not produce symptoms in the initial stages of the tumour. Large mediastinal liposarcoma put pressure on the underlying organs and tissues thus producing symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.What is Mediastinum?
The mediastinum is a space in the thorax that contains the heart, thymus gland, portions of the esophagus trachea, and other structures.Disease Causes
There is no well-known cause; however, some hereditary and genetic mutations are thought to be responsible for the excessive division or multiplication of normal cells, which can lead to the development of mediastinal liposarcoma.Signs and Symptoms
The patient may suffer from the following signs and symptoms. These are- Pain in the back
- Pain in the chest
- Difficulty in breathing
- Persistent dry cough
- Persistent fatigue (tiredness)
- Fever
- In advanced stages, the enlargement of the lymph nodes can also occur
The following diagnostic tests and procedures can be used to make a diagnosis. These are;- Imaging techniques like Chest X-ray, CT-scan, MRI, and PET scan to see the site, size, and extent of the tumor.
- Tumour biopsy (tumour biopsy to remove a small sample of tissue for histopathological examination)
- Sputum cytology
- USG-guided fine needle aspiration cytology