What is Cystosarcoma Phyllode?
Cystosarcoma phyllodes are benign (non-cancerous) tumours that develop in the breast of females. They usually did not spread from their site of origin to distant parts of the body but tend to recur. It showed a good prognosis (likely course of the disease) after local excision (surgical removal) of the tumour.Disease Etiology (Causes)
There is no well-known cause.Disease Epidemiology
Cystosarcoma phyllodes usually develop in the female breast, but rare cases of male cystosarcoma phyllodes have also been reported. The disease can develop in people of any age, but the peak incidence occurs in the 5th decade of life. Sign and symptoms The patient may suffer from the following sign and symptoms. These are- Rapidly progressing bigger masses or lumps in the breast
- Ulceration (break of the skin) or lump around the nipple
The following diagnostic tests and procedures can be used to make a diagnosis.- Mammography ( X-Ray breast)
- CT-scan, MRI, and PET scan to see the size, site, and extent of the tumour.
- Open excisional breast biopsy or incisional biopsy
- FNA( Fine needle aspiration) or core needle biopsy; are diagnostic procedures in which a sample of cells from a mass or lump is taken using a fine needle, which is then examined under a microscope.
- Histopathological examination
- Immunohistochemistry