What is the Yolk Sac Tumour?
Yolk sac tumour is a rare malignant (cancerous) type of germ cell tumour (GCT). Germ cell tumours develop from reproductive cells such as the ovaries and testes. Usually, yolk sac tumours are of gonadal origin (develops from the ovaries and testicles), but in 5% of cases, they can originate from extragonadal sites such as from lungs, stomach, intestines, abdomen chest, and brain.
What is a Yolk Sac Tumour of the Brain?
Germ cell tumor (GCTs) that originate from anywhere in the brain is called yolk sac tumor of the brain. These are very rare and make only 1% of all germ cell tumours. While in 5-7% of cases germ cell tumors of any other part or organ of the body metastasized (spread) to the brain.
Signs And Symptoms
The patient may present with the following signs and symptoms. These are
- Usually patient present with one-sided weakness of the body
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Dizziness (faint feeling)
- Slurred speech
- Loss of body coordination while walking or doing any physical activity
- Fever
The following diagnostic techniques and procedures can be used to make a diagnosis. These are
- Imaging studies such as X-ray, CT-scan, and MRI to detect the site, size, and extent of the metastasis (spread of the tumour)
- Test for serum alpha feto protein
- Tumour biopsy and histopathological examination
Surgical removal of the tumour, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the main treatment options.
What Support can we Give for Yolk Sac Tumor of the Brain?
Yolk Sac Tumor of the Brain is rare cancer, meaning it is not as well known as other forms of cancer. Without a Ribbon is an Australian organisation that provides support for individuals who suffer from rare cancers. So, we provide a designated platform for Warriors to obtain information specific to their Rare Cancer. We also provide annual opportunities for our Warriors to meet and learn from each other. If you suffer from rare cancer such as Yolk Sac Tumor of the Brain we can help and support you through your journey thanks to the generous donations we receive. Click the link below to sign up and become a Warrior today!
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Without a Ribbon is a charity that works hard to aid those who suffer from rare cancers. You can help our cause in a variety of ways: